

译林版五年级下册英语Unit1- Unit5练习卷无答案


                              Unit1- Unit5小练习

一. 写出下列单词的适当形式。10分)


sit________eat_______put__________wash_________ chat_________

2.写出复数          tooth_______   foot_______

3.写出三单形式      try______  study_______ fly______

二. 单项选择16分)

(    )1.I don’t have _____ nice clothes ______ shoes.

   A.any;and              B. any;or          C. some; or

(    )2.Look at the dress!You can _______, and go to the party.

      A.put it on           B. put on it          C. put them on

(    )3.—- ______do you go to school?    —- By bus.

   A.How            B. What           C. Where

(    )4.I live _______ Moon Street.

      A.on               B. in                 C. at

(    )5.Don’t eat too many sweets. They are bad for _______.

   A.we              B. us                C. I 

(    )6.You can ______the metro to City Library.

      A. take            B. by             C. go

(    )7.Yang ling comes _______ from the hospital.

      A. out              B. in             C. at

(    )8.The bookshop is _____ your right.

      A. at             B. on             C.in

(    )9.You should turn right ________ the traffic lights.

      A. in             B. for            C. at

(    )10. What’ wrong with _______ ?

      A. I             B .we             C.her

(    )11.There ______ too much water in the bottle.(瓶子)

      Aare             B. is                  C.be

(    )12. In the UK, we ask “Where’s the_____?”

      A. bathroom         B. restroom            C. toilet

(    )13. We should not eat or drink in the library _______.

      A. also           B. too              C. either

(    )14. What are Yang Ling and Liu Tao _______ ?[来源:学科网ZXXK]

      A. do             B. doing            C. does

(    15.He should ______ some warm water and have a rest.

      A. drink          B. drinks           C. Drinking

(   16.Mrs Brown _______the windows every week.


译林版(三起)五年级下册英语期末测试卷带答案解析 ,五年级下册英语试卷,莲山课件.

     A. is cleaning      B. clean       C. cleans


1. Helen __________ (put) on a new hat. She _______(like) it very much.

2. Giraffe _________(point) at his long neck.

3. What’s wrong with ___________ (we)?

4. Look! Helen _________(watch) TV now.

5. _______ (be) the children _________ (chat) with each other?

6. How _______(do) Mike go to school every day?

7. Let’s ________ (clean) the table now.

8.Look, I can ________(fly) a kite.


1. Take some medicine ,please (否定句)

_________ take _________ medicine, please.

2. Mr Brown goes to Guangzhou by plane.(提问)

________ _________ Mr Brown ______ to Guangzhou?

3.Su Hai lives on Moon Street.a(改为一般疑问句,并做肯定回答)

_______ Su Hai ______ on Moon Street?    Yes, she ______.

4.Liu Tao is sad because his mother is ill.(对划线部分提问)

  _________ is Liu Tao ________ ?[来源:学科网ZXXK]

5.I’m cleaning the table. (对划线部分提问)  What ______ you _______ ?

6.Helen lives on Moon Street. (对划线部分提问)

  ________ does Helen ______ ?

7.They have a headache.(对划线部分提问)[来源:__Z_X_X_K]

  What’s  _______  with  ________?

8.He should take some medicine.(对划线部分提问)

________  ________ he _______?


1. 刘涛不在睡觉,他正在跑步

 Liu Tao isn’t          .He _______  ________.

2. 看, 孩子们正在跳舞。  Look, the children _______  ______.

3. Bobby 在他的花园种植葡萄。Bobby grows grapes in_______  _______.

4. 海伦正在洗衣服。 Helen _______  ________ ________ .

5. 迈克过来看他。 Mike _______to _____  _____.

6. 我的妈妈很忙,她正在做晚饭。

  My mother is very ________. She ______  _______ _________.

7. 迈克乘地铁上学。

   Mike _______ to school _______ _________.[来源:学科网ZXXK]





译林版三起五年级下册英语试题unit8 Birthdays无答案

译林版三起五年级下册英语试题unit8 Birthdays无答案,五年级下册英语试卷,莲山课件.