第二学期第一次质量检测七年级语文 一、积累及运用(30分)1.下列词语中括号的注音完全正确的一项是(2分)A.嗥呜(háo) 彷(pánɡ)徨 仰慕(mù) 鲜(xīān)为人知B.赫(hè)然 衰(shuāi)微 迭(dié)起 气冲斗(dòu)牛C.高标(biāo) 校(xiào)对 调羹(ɡānɡ) 深恶(wù)痛绝D.抹(mǒ)杀 机杼(zhù 澎湃(pài)
第二学期第一次质量检测七年级语文 一、积累及运用(30分)1.下列词语中括号的注音完全正确的一项是(2分)A.嗥呜(háo) 彷(pánɡ)徨 仰慕(mù) 鲜(xīān)为人知B.赫(hè)然 衰(shuāi)微 迭(dié)起 气冲斗(dòu)牛C.高标(biāo) 校(xiào)对 调羹(ɡānɡ) 深恶(wù)痛绝D.抹(mǒ)杀 机杼(zhù 澎湃(pài)
江苏省灌南县七年级语文下学期第一次月考试题一、积累•运用(36分)1.请将下面的诗句用正楷或行楷抄写在方格中,要求正确、美观。(3分) 横眉冷对千夫指,俯首甘为孺子牛2. 下列加点字的注音完全正确的一项是( ) (3分)A . 殷红(yīn) 赫然(hè) 哺育(fǔ) 取缔(dì)B. 诧异(chà) 调羹(gēng) 憎恶(zēng)
江苏省滨海县七年级语文下学期第一次月考试题 (时间:100分钟 分值:150分 )一、积累与运用( 40分 )1、阅读下面语段,根据拼音写汉字,根据汉字写拼音。(4分)生活就是奋斗,只有锲( )而不舍才能创造辉煌。生活就是付出,一味地索取只会埋 zàng( )理想;走上田垄,欣赏春天的美景;融入江河,感知夏水的温柔;采摘硕( )果,品味秋天的斑 lán( );
Look at the pictures below. What did they do last weekend? play the guitarShe played the guitar. play basketballHe played basketball.swimThey swam.do yogaShe did yoga. play chessThey played chess. cli
_____ a bookread (read)08:00 a.m._______ geographystudied (study)09:00 a.m.cleaned _______ the room (clean)10:00 a.m._______ soccerplayed (play)11:00 a.m._____ lunchhad (have)12:00 a.m.______ the pi
一、根据句意及图片提示完成下列句子,每空一词。1.Would you like to go _________ with me this weekend?2.There is a _____ in the park.3.—How was your vacation on the________? —It was very exciting.4.John and his sister __
What did … do last weekend?did my homeworkdo my homeworkdo — didWhat did …do last weekend?went to the cinemago to the cinemago — wentWhat did … do last weekend?went boatinggo boatinggo — wentWhat did
A: What did Bob do on his last school trip?B: He …A: Did he… ?B: Yes, he did. / No, he didn’t.A: How was his school trip?B: That sounds … / That sounds like … / It was …BobLindaA: What did Linda do
一、写出下列动词的过去式。1. climb _________ 2. visit _________3. live ________ 4. use ________5. has ________ 6. grow ________7. feed ________ 8. s
Did you have a school trip?How was your school trip?What did you do on your school trip?took photos went to the zoosaw some interesting animals climbed the mountainssaw a lot of flowers ate our lunc